Installation on the Windows Operating System
After downloading, the installation of the software package needs to be enabled separately. In the pop-up window, you need to click on Further Information in order to authorise the installation.
Setting the size of icons
If the menu system of My Handball Software appears too big on the screen, then we recommend right-clicking on the mouse on the Desktop and choosing the following setting: Screen settings / Size and order/ 100% text.
Minimal system requirements
- Windows 10/ OSX10.10 / Linux Ubuntu 18 version operating system
- Intel Celeron N3010 processor, 4 GB RAM, 1 GB background storage space
- 13” monitor, Intel HD Graphics 400 video card
Installation on the macOS Operating System
After downloading, the installation of the software package needs to be enabled separately.
When saving the myhandballsystem-<verzió>.pkg installation file, the system places it in the Downloads folder. The installation programme can be executed from the Finder by choosing the following menu item: Operations / Open with / Installer (default)
Setting the size of icons
If the menu system of My Soccer Software appears too big on the screen, then it can be customised in the following menu: macOS System settings / Display / Size.
The myhandballsystem-<verzió>.pkg installer can be executed following the steps below and it can be used without providing the password valid in the previous version.
The actions needed following the installation requesting licence code using an email!
- After the start of the installation programme, a licence code request field shows on the login interface..
- The user should notify the email address about the successful installation and request a licence key.
- The user receives a licence code within 3 days at the latest.
- When connected to the internet, the user provides the licence code in the software licence code request field. Design work can begin!
Further important information
- In order to initiate the programme, internet connection is necessary.
- The use of the mouse within the programme has been optimised.
- We continuously inform all users about any updates of the software available.
- One licence code can be used on one computer only at any given time. It can be used on a different machine after 1 hour.
- We advise to download the Foxit Reader PDF software from the webpage in order to produce better quality PDF files.